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Foto do escritor: PigeonPigeon

1. Cru Cru DAVIA, super nice to have the chance to chat with you! How did you get into music?

Cru cru cru to you too! Thanks for having me. Well, the earliest memory I have of anything musical is fiddling around on a toy keyboard my mom got for me. It was the kind that was made for toddlers and had different presets. Plus it had a selection of hits pre-recorded on it – like Let It Be by The Beatles. That melody is such a core memory of mine. My parents loved exposing me to new music all the time and I remember being in the backseat of the car singing along to our favorite CDs and radio stations. I took up piano lessons for about seven years, from ages 10-17, I then started taking up guitar in high school and writing songs. And that period really was formative– so much creative freedom, especially as I started to get into more alternative and experimental genres of music. And then in the past few years I taught my self how to play bass, and that was like a personal reset for me as it gave me this whole new approach to writing and arranging songs. If I had not learned to play bass, my latest release, Dream of 1988, would not exist, since the bass line was the very first part of the song that was born. The journey continues, and I am excited to see what I learn next.

2. Can you tell us a nostalgic memory of yours?

So many of them are tied to singing in the back of my parents’ car– in the late 90s and early 2000s. They would rapid fire quiz me on whoever was singing- I remember yelling out “STEVIE NICKS!” one time out at the top of my lungs. I had my rock n roll knowledge down before I knew how to do math equations. I also remember the year Sade’s Lover’s Rock (2001) came out and just being so entranced by that album. Also, the Pure Moods (1997 re-release) mixtape. One of the best playlists of all time, in my opinion. You’ve got Brian Eno, David Byrne, Angelo Badalamenti, (rest in peace) and Jan Hammer on the same track list. It’s also got a sickening Eurohouse remix of the X-Files theme on it– I am waiting for the day I can put it on a DJ setlist at a party. The opening track–Enigma’s Return to Innocence– still give’s me shivers when I listen to it. The whole album is ambient atmosphere to the max. We listened to it a lot on road trips, as well as Prince’s Love Symbol album–my dad would skip over Sexy M.F. every time though, haha! Did not get to hear that one in full until my teens, I think.

3. What’s your favorite color?

The color of a robin’s egg. The color of a sunset on a cloudy day. The color of a rosebud barely blooming. Of a redwood forest after a day of rain. Of a bowl of fruit freshly picked…..oh, wait a color? Blues and reds are nice.

4 Will you tell us something embarrassing about you?

Wow, there are so many cringe things about me. You’ve got an embarrassment of riches with me on that one, pun intended. I used to have terrible punctuality - being late all the time. There was a period of my life when I kind of just accepted that as my personality but I am happy to say I have massively improved in that area, where I am now mostly 5 minutes early. There is hope for anyone out there, I am living proof.

5. What’s the worst decade for music?

Well, that’s a difficult question because I quite like music from all eras. I do have opinions on the best decade for music though– for innovation, cultural impact and genre variety, it has to be the 1980s. It’s the decade I still keep going back to for inspiration since it combined the analog practices of the previous half of the century and yet they had these amazing synthesizers and drum machines to create otherworldly sound palettes. I would also argue it was the globalization decade, as air travel and touring became such a massive industry for artists that the cross-pollination for musical ideas was happening at an exceeding rate. The 1990s were also massive due to developments in digital recording and technology, but I am sure my opinion might change in 10 years from now. The way we enjoy music changes every era so I might get nostalgic for when I was a teenager, who knows.

6. What’s your favorite 2020’s album?

I have to say, musically, the decade started out with a bang. In 2020, Jessie Ware’s "What’s Your Pleasure?," HAIM’s "Women in Music Part III" plus Róisín Murphy’s "Róisín Machine" kept me alive. CHAI’s "WINK" was pop perfection– and I loved Charli XCX’s last album, "Crash"- the concept, the visuals, everything was in synthesis. Little Simz’s "Sometimes I Might Be Introvert" was stunning. "Once Twice Melody" by Beach House was on repeat for me 2022– such an emotional album for me, as it talks about fate, endings and entering a new era. Most recently I really loved the 1975’s "Being Funny In A Foreign Language." I’ve been a fan since their debut EP and it’s been amazing to track their sonic evolution as a band.

7. What’s the best experience you ever had while playing music?

I think it’s those moments when you are writing and just flinging out ideas, and then the synchronicity happens. It’s a small, delicate moment, maybe when you sing a certain harmony part, or an EQ adjustment on a synth part, or do a guitar lick, and the whole track changes. Suddenly it’s no longer a mixed bag of phrases but an entity unto its own– and it has its own world that you now get to explore.

8. What does music means to you?

Music is everything to me. It’s true. It is joy, it is catharsis, and it is community. It’s the lifeline we can tap into to process whatever we want to– we use it to provide ceremony for so many things. I’ve met so many friends through music and the most surreal moments of my life have happened due to a song, an album, or a band.

9. How crazy are your dreams?

Absolutely insane. I was just chatting with friends recently about the backrooms phenomenon that’s happening– how we all are resonating with these videos on social media that are 3d renderings of endless hallways and slides as if we have been there before. There is a possibility that we have this visual representation of our brains and how we process our daily events– like a visual roadmap of our neurotransmitters? Who knows. It’s fascinating though. Many of my dreams revolve around spaces or buildings– for instance I will be walking around my fictional version of Paris and then I walk over a bridge on the Seine and I’m suddenly in London. I have had a couple of lucid dreams where I wake up within the dream. Very scary. Also, I have had predictive dreams about love interests– which then got me thinking I was clairvoyant. Not a fun era- so much emotional distress. I’m not that delusional anymore but my mother is actually psychic. She predicted her marriage and everything through her dreams, so maybe I have a sixteenth of that instinct.

10. Do You agree with the Pigeon?

It depends on what the Pigeon has to say, but in theory? I agree with the Pigeon. Thanks for having me in your lovely nest, I have to fly off now.

The Pigeon added the new single to his Weekly Gems playlist on Spotify.

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Words by The Pigeon

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©2023 by Pigeon

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