Valley Taylor - Lifetime of Unending Joy
1. Cru cru Valley Taylor, what first got you into music?
I first started writing songs because of a time when I was 16 a coworker asked if I wanted to play a gig at a local coffee shop. I ended up writing 5 songs the day before to play it and I really enjoyed it so I have never stopped.
2. What or who is your inspiration to create music?
A lot of the time I will be playing my instrument so much that in my sleep I will still be playing it. I have woken up remembering the song I was playing in my dreams many times and that is the proccess and inspiration for making music for me. I really just enjoy doing it for the fun of it.
3. How do you feel the internet has impacted the music business?
I think the internet has made it easy for anyone to be an artist and I think that it is a good thing. I do not like how it has made some people feel entitled to attention and money just because they are trying. I think being an artist full time is something everyone wants now because of the internet but that is not very feasible there are many jobs out there that need to be done not just being a musician.
4. Will you tell us something embarassing about you?
I love modern anime like My Hero Academia and I am an avid Genshin Impact fan.
5. How is your perfect day?
My perfect days are the foggy fall days where I get to wake up and go get a breakfast and then work on music all day.
6. What memorable responses have you had to your work so far?
It is hard to recall any specific responses, but the funniest one was a music video where a lot of people said that I looked like Nicolas Cage. I thought it was a hoot.
7. Do you see yourself as a music nerd?
I do not see myself as a music nerd I really only listen to a small handfull of artists and I in fact do not enjoy going to see live music.
8. What album do you replay the most?
The album that I have listened to the most would probably be In Rainbows by Radiohead.
9. What's your favorite movie?
Germlins is my favorite movie and it is a household tradition to watch it every Christmas or Thanksgiving.
10. Do you agree with the Pigeon?
I do. Cru cru.
Discovered via http://musosoup.com
This coverage was created via Musosoup