1. Cru cru, what first got you into music?
Cru cru! Music has always been around. My parents would always play music around the house, and all my friends growing up were really into music as well.
2. What or who is your inspiration to create music?
That could be a very long list, but some main inspirations are (in no particular order) The Cure, Mastodon, Enslaved, The Ocean, Seigmen, Mono, Russian Circles and Pelican.
3. How do you feel the internet has impacted the music business?
Mostly positively. Having seemingly unlimited access to pretty much all the music that’s ever been created is certainly a fantastic thing – something I could only dream of when I was a teenager. Releasing music has also become accessible to everyone, without the need for record companies. The flipside is that there is almost too much music out there, and it’s difficult for new (especially independent) artists to reach an audience.
4. Will you tell us something embarassing about you?
In a previous band we were meant to have some midi drums playing in the background during a part of the one, extremely long song that we were playing. Unfortunately, when we were setting up, we realised that something had gone wrong and instead of drums it was a very intense stabbing synth sound! Thankfully no one knew what we were supposed to be playing, so everyone just assumed it was intentional. Not very embarrassing in the end, but it caused quite a lot of panic at the time!
5. How is your perfect day?
Pretty chill. Listening to music, maybe going for a nice walk, and finishing with a good movie or a TV show.
6. What memorable responses have you had to your work so far?
I’ve been fortunate to receive almost exclusively positive feedback. I find it interesting that a lot of reviews compare my music to Doom Metal, which is a genre I don’t listen that much to. I suspect it’s more a case of me having similar influences to a lot of Doom Metal bands.
7. Do you see yourself as a music nerd?
Yes and no. I’m completely obsessed by music, but I have quite a broad taste so it’s usually specific artists rather than deep-diving into one or two genres.
8. What album do you replay the most?
Probably Disintegration by The Cure. It’s almost certainly got the most plays over the years.
9. What's your favorite movie?
Good question. I’ll go with Mulholland Drive.
10. Do you agree with the Pigeon?
I always agree with the Pigeon. Cru cru!
Check out the original EP by Solnedgang: Valkyrie! "Folkvangr" opens this EP and begins with cloudy blues sounds, which generate immense tension and prepare us for the emotionally overwhelming session that follows. Later, these melodies become lighter, but the Nordic elements become more epic. This folk even sounds larger than life, in the same way that Robert Egger's The Northman was a unique cinematic event. I love these monumental, extremely catchy riffs that get inside my head, so introspective they are. At the end of the day, I feel like I'm listening to stars colliding, giving rise to new constellations.
Discovered via http://musosoup.com
This coverage was created via Musosoup