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Foto do escritor: PigeonPigeon

Ricky Earlywine - wish i could hate u

1. Cru cru, what first got you into music?

I've been singing for as long as I can remember, & I've always wanted to create my own music.

2. What or who is your inspiration to create music?

When it comes to artistic influence, I would say that two of the biggest contributions to either the style of writing I choose, or better yet, the way the song ends up sounding, would be Tori Kelly and Kehlani. My inspiration, however, is just from a genuine love and understanding for both the power and beauty of music. It's a great way to express yourself & has always been my escape from reality.

3. What's your most controverisal music opinion?

My most controversial music opinion is that I find a lot of the current stuff, especially the more popular stuff, to be really uninspiring and pointless. Not that it sounds bad--I'm just moreso into vocals and lyrics. I try to listen to stuff that I can sing my heart out to, which usually tends to be older pop/R&B (90s, early 2000s). I like music with a message, or that tells a story, rather than a song about sex, drugs, money, etc... you get the point.

4. Will you tell us something embarassing about you?

One time in preschool, we had some end of year performance thing which included a song about brown bears, & a dance where we had to shake our butts at some point. Don't really remember the song, all I remember is once we got to the part of the song when we shook, the parents laughed, obviously, but I ran off stage in tears thinking that everyone was laughing at me. This contributed to horrid stage fright up until high school, but it was probably one of the very first times I experienced such a true & utter form of embarrassment. I'm also convinced it contributed to my lack of dance ability.

5. How is your perfect day?

My perfect day truly just depends on the day, because I am a introverted extrovert, aka an ambivert. I prefer mostly being a homebody, but I have instances where I want to go out with friends and always have a good time when I do.

6. What memorable responses have you had to your work so far?

Something I hadn't expected was truly just the amount of listens I'm actually getting, & a lot of positive feedback. One that stands out is a complete stranger reaching out and telling me that my voice is unique and that I have something new to offer that is currently not in the industry. I found it very inspiring.

7. Do you see yourself as a music nerd?

I'm not sure. I know much more about singing and even that's a bit blurry... but I do love to talk about music & singing, & it's one of the few things that I can talk about with no issue. So maybe that does make me a nerd?

8. What album do you replay the most?

My favorite, most replayable album is probably going to be ANTI by Rihanna.

9. What's your favorite movie?

Favorite movie? I have too many. But I think the one that truly speaks to my heart is The Cheetah Girls, the first two movies. Just love the premise of it!

10. Do you agree with the Pigeon?


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