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Foto do escritorPigeon


Mercurius - Rifle

1. Cru cru, what first got you into music?

My dad was in bands when I was growing up so I suppose I just followed him

2. What or who is your inspiration to create music?

Inspiration for songs can be from history, current news topics etc. We love our music to mean something so often delve into these. Musically everything from Simon and Garfunkel to Radiohead and the Foo Fighters

3. What's your most controverisal music opinion?

Controversial music opinion - old rockers who have been successful should retire gracefully at 60 years old

4. Will you tell us something embarassing about you?

I'm scared of spiders (proper arachnafobe)

5. How is your perfect day?

A perfect day would be to get up, play my guitar, walk my beagle dogs then have a huge important gig at night

6. What memorable responses have you had to your work so far?

Memorable responses to our music - most people have been very complimentary about our musicianship especially vocals and guitars. We've also had great reviews about the lyrical aspect of our songs

7. Do you see yourself as a music nerd?

I think anyone who is involved in music is a music nerd because we listen to songs a lot different to 'normal' people and tend to analyse songs to the extreme

8. What album do you replay the most?

We're always listening to new music so don't really listen to the same things over and over

9. What's your favorite movie?

Favourite movie - Fletch

10. Do you agree with the Pigeon?

If pigeons could talk I might be able to answer that

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This coverage was created via Musosoup


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